Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Creamer!!!

Ho ho ho... and NO i'm not being rude and dodgy but there are actually some people in these parts who pronounced "Christmas" as "Creamer"... Ah but tis the season of giving so i will just sit back and see the humour in it!

Christmas is such a sentimental time of year. I like how it's cool that everyone gathers together to celebrate the occasion - whether it's gathering physically, crossing international boundaries or electronically - sms, emails etc... It's nice to know that people are thinking (or at least remember!) you. I've been feeling sentimental all week. Just the little things that people have been doing have tugged at my heartstrings. It was especially a bonus that they played "Love Actually" as well. Emo overload!

But I guess at the end of the day, I'm thankful for a great year and even the little things. Recently, went to Lombok and visited a village. It was really primitive and the villagers just had the bare essentials (just water and basic electricity - they still used fire to cook) and yet they were so content with their lives, not wanting anything more. Even in the city itself, you could see the effects of corruption i.e. underdeveloped roads, bootleg petrol etc... but still people were still happy, riding along in their scooters and finding time to enjoy the sunsets. It was a good trip (company was fantastic too meine freundin ;)) and it really helped put things in perspective.

Either I'm getting older but I find myself on a road towards settling and finding happiness in the little things. It's not about the material things or finding head honcho i want to be a ceo kind of success. It's more about appreciating life, appreciating time spent with family and friends, being a better person. Of course money is nice but it's not the be all or end all. At end of the day, if i have to slog rather than breeze through, so be it. But i'm going to enjoy the scenery/rollercoasters as well as learn from the punches that life throws me whilst doing so...

In the meantime, I'm just happy that I've got Christmas weekend off and time to spend with the fam(ily) as well friends. It's a start hey?



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