Monday, November 06, 2006

Bonjour le weekend...

Despite finishing a relatively long 7-day work week, I still have energy to be excited about the prospect of no work for two days. Week in a nutshell - buddy catchups, beer, curry, new phone (Moto L7 - love it!), being called 'el hornio' (what the hell??), more soup, saddam, technical difficulties, visitors in da hood, fire drills and the real blackout, sweet kids, camaraderie, life lessons and more puppy love.

There is a really cute Goldie in the flat below called Shadow. Apparently during the blackout, he was whimpering. Poor little love. Earlier today, he tried to show attitood by disturbing the older dog by continuously sniffing the older alpha dog's butt though they live together. My mum suspects he is a gay Goldie.

Anyhoo, as we're still in the midst of festive season, i guess the festive love (or lust) bugs are in the air. This track made me reminisce of the good ol days and it truly is a sexay track especially the intro... WOW! So for those in love, lust, en route or just lost in translation, this is for you!