Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Caught "Music and Lyrics" today and this is too good not to share... Pop Goes My Heart - Love it!

Lights On Lights Off?

Following yesterday's post, I went to check out the Pierces Myspace site and there is track that is amazing. It's called "Lights On". It's quite an unusual take of things and relationships. Like "Boring", it's tongue-in-cheek. Check it out...http://www.myspace.com/thepierces

Monday, March 19, 2007

TGIE Excitement...

Greetings friends! As a result of TGIE (Thank God It's Eve - my shift lifestyle has defied TGIF convention so the next best is Eve of Off Days) excitement, I can't sleep. What better time to update le blog. I've conjured up a mini to-do list during the off days but like all off days, time will fly...

1) Read Lonely Planet on Paris and Brush Up on French
2) Catch up on movies i.e. Music & Lyrics
3) Perhaps HMV? Purchases will always change when I get there
4) At least attempt to open Babel book... it's lying in my room, still looking pristine and wrapped. Time to treat myself.
5) Catch up with friends before le trip
6) Stop punctuating specific words with "le" haha
7) Last-minute supply shopping and contemplate baggage (not mental/emotional but real baggage as in suitcases)
8) Finance errands
9) Camera errands - time to buy more cards!
10) Laptop window shopping - I will miss the Mac!
11) Damn this list doesn't seem to end - aargh!

What else is happening? Been catching up on music. Check out Beck's Myspace. The new album sounds rockin. I've been listening to a lot of older stuff...

Vintage electro-rock circa 1984 - love the retro credits man!

Am debating whether to go catch this band, The Pierces, when I'm in London - they look pretty cool, looks like there's a 85% probability. Cheeky song too! Think one of them is going out with Albert Hammond Jr from the Strokes.

Love this great happy feelgood track - makes feel young again! Peter Bjorn and John rocks!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Amazing short film - blew me away!

Last week, I caught this movie "Paris Je T'aime" which consisted of lots of short films by acclaimed directors around the different areas around Paris. This short film by Tom Tykwer completely floored me. It charts the course of a relationship its highs & lows all in 7 mins... Wo, this dude is certainly one director to watch out for.

I also saw another film of Tykwer's, "Perfume", recently which was amazing and romantic in a very macabre kind of way.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Coming Soon to a Town Near You

Howdy y'all... it's been too long my friends. What's been happening the world huh? I've been chillin, spending time with old friends, made new friends, taking more pix, caught some good gigs (a free one here and there), caught up with movies/ books / dvds, watched nip / tuck finale (what a mindbender!), bought too many cds, shopped, got my tigers, drunk beer, drunk wine, drunk, lusting after (fill in blank... laptops you dirty dirty fiends!), given up ice cream (for lent), given up chocolate, ate chocolate (as gift from friend, thanks dawg!), worked nightshift, worked dayshift, discovered cheese and mushroom prata, created a myspace, cooked lasagne (but alas i'm getting old as i fell asleep after being heavily sedated with alcohol and gael garcia after - in front of a friend/colleague too)... That said, you know, I'm liking the chilled out life.

Work has had a few surprises too... I heard a couple of weeks ago that I'll be headed to Paris for work! Woohoo! 3 weeks in le EU never hurt anyone. I'm looking forward to the opportunity but also to see friends again. Vive la France!

Music music... lots of good music out and about. Here's what i've been listening to recently.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - I can't believed I missed out on this fan fest!! Next time they'll feature Singapore. Gotta love them though. Hopefully they make it to this part of the world soon.

The Good, The Bad & The Queen - I've always been a sucker for sad sweet romantic songs. This brings tears to my eyes and one that I can see myself wandering (or floundering) aimlessly down the avenue of life kind of track...Damon Albarn at one of his finest hours.
